Mission, Vision, & Beliefs

What we do, where we are going, and why.

The Mission

The mission of Doxa Church is to make disciples of Jesus in the everyday stuff of life. Everything we do as a church serves to equip believers for living out their faith in the places they work, learn, live, and play.

The Vision

The vision of Doxa Church is to see the Eastside look more and more like Heaven. We seek the renewal of the Puget Sound as God makes this place more like His Kingdom.

Jeremiah 29:5-7    Matt 6:10    2 Cor. 5:20
Matt. 28:19-20    Acts 1:7-8

The Theological Distinctives of Doxa

1. We believe the glory of God is seen most beautifully in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel is the good news of what God has graciously accomplished for sinners through the sinless life, sacrificial death, and bodily resurrection of his Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, namely our forgiveness from sin and complete justification before God; this gospel is also the foundation for our confidence in the ultimate triumph of God’s kingdom and the consummation of His purpose for all creation in the new heavens and new earth.

2. We enthusiastically embrace the sovereignty of God’s grace in saving sinners.

We affirm God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, not on the basis of foreseen faith but unconditionally, according to his sovereign good pleasure and will. We believe through the work of the Holy Spirit, God will draw the elect to faith in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, graciously and effectually overcoming their stubborn resistance to the gospel so they will believe most assuredly and willingly.

3. We recognize and rest upon the necessity of the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit for all life and ministry.

The Holy Spirit is fully God, equal with the Father and Son, whose primary ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. He also convicts unbelievers of their need for Christ and imparts spiritual life through regeneration (the new birth).

4. We are deeply committed to the fundamental spiritual and moral equality and complementarity of men and women. 

We believe that we are made in the image of God, both male and female. Both men and women are together created in the divine image and are therefore equal before God as persons, possessing the same moral dignity and value, and have equal access to God through faith in Christ.

We believe that God ordained marriage as a life-long union between one man and one woman and that sexual intimacy is to be experienced and enjoyed only within the covenant of marriage. Both husbands and wives are responsible to God for spiritual nurture and vitality in the home, but God has given to the man primary responsibility to lead his wife and family in accordance with the servant-leadership and sacrificial love characterized by Jesus Christ.

5. Doxa Church embraces a missionary understanding of the local church and its role as the primary means by which God chooses to establish his kingdom on earth. 

The church has a clear biblical mandate to look beyond its own community to the neighborhood, the nation, and the world as a whole; thus mission is not an optional program in the church but an essential element in the identity of the church.

Want to know more? Here is an additional, more detailed doctrinal statement.

Doxa also agrees with the The Lausanne Covenant Statement of Faith.

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